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Tiny Tyger, Baby Bear and Me: Interview with the Aspie

Saturday 24 October 2015

Interview with the Aspie

I use this blog as a platform to raise awareness and understanding of ASD pretty often but - as I covered in my blog post here - I'm not autistic myself.  One of my sisters is, though, and she kindly agreed to let me interview her to allow me to fully communicate the perspective of someone on the spectrum.  My sister is only 16 and was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome just two and a half years ago.  On here I call her 'Aspie Sister' (with her full support - she doesn't see 'Aspie' as a negative term) so that's been abbreviated to 'AS' for the interview.


Me:  I wanted to do this interview to give people a slightly better idea of what it's like to have autism and especially to have a meltdown because I think it's quite hard for people to imagine or to empathise with.  You got your diagnosis quite late, which is often the case for girls.  So, did you realised you might be different to your peers before then?

AS:  I think I always realised I was different.  Thinking back to year seven - I don't know why but I was going through a really weird phase - I'd always tell people I was insane and my password was always like 'iaminsane'.

Me:  I remember, actually, getting a text from you once saying, 'Am I normal?'

AS:  That rings a bell.

Me:  And I kind of brushed it off at the time.  I just said, 'Oh well, what is normal anyway?  Is anyone really normal and is being normal really such a good thing?'  Now - knowing - it shows you did have an idea you weren't neurotypical even if you wouldn't have known to phrase it like that.

AS:  Yeah.  I think one of the reasons I would always be like 'I'm insane' and I'd try to make a joke of it was because I was quite scared.  Because, I was like, 'I'm different.  I don't know what this is.  Why am I not like everyone else?'  I just tried to put this front up and I was all, 'Ah, I'm insane!  I'm so funny!'

Me:  Yeah.  'I'm just the crazy one.'  Like...the 'quirky friend' because that's obviously a 'thing' in TV shows so I guess you thought if you could embody that then it was still an accepted role in society?

AS:  Yeah.

Me:  How did you feel about the diagnosis, then?

AS:  I was so relieved.  Most people are like, 'It's not a good thing you've got a diagnosis.  Why are you happy you've got this label?'  But it is such a relief when I've been thinking I'm from a different planet.  I thought no-one was like me.  To have that and know there are other people like me is just such a relief.  It also meant I could get help.

Me:  You've had a lot of various support and it's worked to different degrees depending on how well the person trying to support you understands ASD.  There are some misguided attempts to help.  People quite often think they're helping by telling you to tell them when you're having problems, don't they?

AS:  Yeah.  Also I'm not good at speaking in person and teachers often say, 'I don't like emails much.  Just come up to me and talk to me about it.'  And I'm like, 'No, just let me email you.'  It really annoys me when they don't email back but then they come up to me and just start talking to me about it and I'm like, 'No!  No.'

Me:  Would you like to explain what having ASD actually means for you and your everyday life?

AS:  I don't know because it's quite hard when you have it and...it's just your life.  People always ask me, 'What's it like to be autistic?'  But, I don't know.  It's just how I am, how I see the world.  For me, I can't imagine anyone else seeing it in any other way.  It's like me asking other people, 'What's it like to be normal?'  I don't know.

Me:  The big thing I wanted to cover was meltdowns.  I was wondering if you could talk me through what triggers them.

AS:  For me it's usually something social.  If something goes really wrong in a social situation that can trigger it for me.  Or if something to do with my routine gets wrecked, especially if it's a routine I've had for a long time.  Like when I always used to have to have spaghetti on a Sunday and then I remember coming home one Sunday and Dad said, 'We're going to have a barbecue tonight.'  I was screaming and Mum and Dad didn't seem to understand why.  They were like, 'But you like barbecues.'  I think they struggled to understand why it was such a big thing for me.

Me:  Can you remember from meltdowns how you actually feel?

AS:  I guess you just feel very overwhelmed.  A lot.  It's quite hard to describe and it depends on why you have the meltdown.

Me:  So, it's not always the same feeling?  It varies?

AS:  Yeah.  And when you start to go into a meltdown you do start to lose control.  And there's this part of you that's like, 'No, stop it.'  You can see it's just silly and you shouldn't be doing it but it's just this tiny little voice and the rest of you is like, 'NO!  This is so important.'

Me:  So, there is a bit of you watching yourself from outside?

AS:  Especially if I'm in a group of people it's like, 'Stop it, stop it.  Everyone's going to look at you.  Stop it.'

Me:  But you can't?

AS:  I cannot.

Me:  It's not something you're doing out of choice.

AS:  No.  And I've noticed I have a lot of actions I just cannot control.  They just happen.  I often just randomly shake my head quickly - especially if anyone tries to talk to me.  I'll just shake my head: 'No.'  Obviously, there's that part of you that knows it's bad that then starts to get frustrated and then that comes out so you get angry and upset and everything.

Me:  So, it's like a loop?  It feeds into the meltdown?

AS:  Yeah and that's when, I think, other ASD people can get quite aggressive.  I don't tend to get aggressive but there have been times where I do get a little bit aggressive.

Me:  It's more just anger at yourself for not being able to stop it?

AS:  And then I can't control the anger and it sort of goes into this horrible cycle.

Me:  Do you typically cry?

AS:  I usually cry.  Usually there's lots of grabbing at myself and my hair - that's something I do a lot - and various shaking and tapping.

Me:  And I know you sometimes pace?

AS:  Pacing: definitely.  And then when the anger starts to build up I start to like, 'Argh!' (clenches her fists) And that's when I'm grabbing even more and sometimes I'll just be like...

Me:  And as you work through the meltdown you often collapse, it seems.  Does that happen a lot?

AS:  Yeah.  I think it all gets too much and I just can't seem to function anymore so I just collapse and cry.

Me:  It's interesting because you lose control but there's a part of yourself that says, 'Don't do this.'  When you're coming out of the meltdown does the voice gets louder or is it that you cry yourself out or...how does it end?

AS:  I usually just run out of energy.  When I was in year nine I used to say I'd run out of tears.  I'd just get to the point where I...couldn't anymore.

Me:  So, is there anything that can bring you out of a meltdown once it's started?  Or is that it and it's just going to run its course until you run out of energy?

AS:  I guess it depends on how bad the meltdown is.

Me:  And maybe where you are and who you're with?  Would you be more likely to come out of a meltdown when you're here, somewhere you're comfortable, and with - for instance - Mum?  Or, because you're comfortable, would you be more likely to let go and would you be more likely to hold it back when you're out with people?

AS:  I try to hold it back more when I'm out with people.  You want, so badly, to fit in.  You just hold it all in and that's often when - when I get home - it all comes out.  I used to find especially on Fridays when I'd had the whole week at school I'd often just end up crying.

Me:  So, after you've had a meltdown do you typically feel better than you did before or do you feel worse...or do you just feel numb?

AS:  I think it depends on where I am.  So, if it's out in public or something, I'd feel worse afterwards but if it's at home I usually feel better.  Sometimes it's just nice to let it all out.

Me:  During the meltdown, is there much in the way of thought?  You say there's a small part of yourself that is just thinking, 'Don't do this,' but other than that are you thinking much?

AS:  There aren't many thoughts but it often is a sort of cycle of what sent you into the meltdown but then it can start to reach out to other things so that makes the meltdown even worse because then you're like, 'And there's this wrong, and there's this wrong and this happened.'  I often keep saying, over and over, 'I'm sorry.'  Especially if it's with Mum or my boyfriend.  'I'm sorry.  I'm sorry.'  They'll say, 'Why?'  And I don't say anything other than, 'I'm sorry.'

Me:  Do you think you're sorry because you think you're putting all that on them?

AS:  Yeah.

Me:  Like you're burdening them?

AS:  I always feel like that.  Sometimes when I get upset about something and I'm talking to my boyfriend he says, 'Go and see your mum.'  And I'm like, 'No, I don't want to put another thing on her.  I can't do that to her.'

Me:  Finally, is there anything you wish more people knew about ASD?

AS:  Probably...that we are people as well.  Some people get scared of us.  People know of the ones who are quite aggressive and violent...or just because it's unknown to them so they get a bit scared.  Or some people just get very angry with people who have ASD and they're like, 'They shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.'

Me:  Jesus!

AS:  Just, if you hear one story of an ASD person who's been violent or something then you get so many horrible people.

Me:  (Sarcastic) Yeah, because neurotypical people are never violent!  I guess it's just ignorance, isn't it?

AS:  Yeah.

Me:  Thank you.

Linked with:

Mami 2 Five

My Random Musings


A Bit Of Everything

Sons, Sand & Sauvignon

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At 24 October 2015 at 07:34 , Blogger HappyMaz said...

This is brilliant! Thank you for sharing something so revealing and intimate. Any campaign to raise awareness in this way requires honesty and bravery, and you both have this in spades. xx

At 25 October 2015 at 02:19 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

Thank you. A lot of the credit for this post goes to my sister. I was really impressed with her answers and the way she managed to convey her experiences (especially since communicating her thoughts and feelings is one of the very things she struggles with due to her ASD!).

At 25 October 2015 at 04:05 , Blogger www.mummyofboygirltwins.com said...

Very honest and so interesting. Thanks very much for sharing. Very brave and insightful. Great post :) Thanks for linking up lovely, much appreciated xx



At 25 October 2015 at 04:28 , Blogger Spectrum Mum said...

As a mum of a son with ASD I find it so hard sometimes to really understand his behaviors and I don't think I ever will. It is so good to read this and know that I may be a comfort to him. Thanks for raising understanding! #sundaystars

At 25 October 2015 at 06:17 , Blogger Unknown said...

I love this! My partner has aspergers and it's really hard to explain to people what it is because it varies so much. People find it really hard to understand. I'm glad to see someone else shedding light on it. An interview perspective is a brilliant idea to raise awareness. My partner is the same, if his routine is changed he finds it really hard to deal with. His work still haven't quite got the fact that they need to pre-warn him when big changes are about to happen. I'm glad your sister took part in the interview, Jamie would find it so hard to explain these points well. Chloe - Life Unexpected. xxx #sundaystars

At 25 October 2015 at 13:33 , Blogger K Whitlock said...

Really interesting read. Thanks so much to your sister for sharing her thoughts and experiences and thanks for linking up to #SundayStars
Karen (www.stoppingattwo.co.uk)

At 25 October 2015 at 13:34 , Blogger K Whitlock said...

Really interesting read. Thanks so much to your sister for sharing her thoughts and experiences and thanks for linking up to #SundayStars
Karen (www.stoppingattwo.co.uk)

At 25 October 2015 at 23:04 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

Thank you. I thought my sister was very brave for agreeing to this.

At 25 October 2015 at 23:08 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

It can be easy to feel like you're not helping but, actually, when you have a child with ASD you are needed even more than if they were NT. You have to fight for them and try to anticipate their needs.

At 26 October 2015 at 01:24 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I'm really proud of her because communicating her thoughts and feelings are one of the things she really struggles with due to the ASD so the fact she managed so well is amazing. I did send her the sorts of questions I was likely to ask her well in advance because I thought she'd want a little time to think them through but a lot of the conversation just progressed naturally. I think it helped we're quite close so she was comfortable talking to me and I kept it all informal. I'm glad you liked it.

At 26 October 2015 at 01:27 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading.

At 27 October 2015 at 00:19 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing this it is a real insight and so helpful to find out more. I know a few people who have also been diagnosed but don't know a lot about what it really feels like, thank you and your sister is one brave lady for doing the interview x #twinklytuesday Julia @ Rainbeaubelle

At 27 October 2015 at 01:18 , Blogger Unknown said...

This is fantastic my love. Your sister really seems to have more self awareness than most teenagers would display. Girls are so much better at 'faking it', but it doesn't mean less girls are autistic. This was a great read and I hope to be able to ask Oscar how it feels one day. Hope you're all doing well xx #twinklytuesday

At 27 October 2015 at 02:56 , Blogger Unknown said...

I found this a really riveting read. Your sister's voice here has such rawness and integrity. What a fantastic idea for a post to help raise awareness and understanding. Thank you to both of you for sharing. #TwinklyTuesday

At 27 October 2015 at 06:05 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

She is; I really admire her. Obviously. she doesn't speak for everyone on the spectrum but I think it's good to get some insight.

At 27 October 2015 at 06:13 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I think they're only just starting to realise how high the rate of ASD in girls is. They are so much better at 'masking' and tend to present in different ways to boys. Yeah, I'd like to be able to talk to Tyger about his ASD one day.

At 27 October 2015 at 09:48 , Blogger Ann Hickman said...

It's really insightful to hear from the source like this. I blog (mostly) about my boys and their ASD but its all interpretation. Thanks so much for sharing.

At 27 October 2015 at 13:33 , Blogger thisiswhereitisat said...

Thank you for sharing. It is so refreshing to read an older female aspie. I am an aspie mother and knopw to well about meltdowns. I have them when I am over stimulated and find the best thing is too shit down.
I wish your sister all the best and remember your not alone and it is great that you can speak out as more awareness especially in adults needs to be done X

At 28 October 2015 at 17:29 , Blogger Random Musings said...

This was a really interesting read. Generally everything I've read about autism has been about children. It was really good to hear about it from someone older who was more able to put the feelings into words.
Thanks for linking up to #AnythingGoes

At 29 October 2015 at 02:46 , Blogger Unknown said...

Gosh — this is SUCh an interesting post. Bless your sister for sharing — I bet this will be so helpful to so many parents/siblings/friends of people with ASD. A lot of the time, people with autism are not able — so eloquently — to put their feelings into words. She should start a blog of her own — it's really interesting to read this from her perspective. Thanks so much for sharing, great post!! Thanks for linking up with us at #TwinklyTuesday

At 29 October 2015 at 07:12 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I was really excited to do it once I'd come up with the idea. I think it turned out really well am an very grateful my sister was so kind as to indulge me!

At 29 October 2015 at 07:16 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

Yeah, most of my blog posts are about my boys and their ASD (since I'm more and more sure Bear has ASD) but they're not old enough to actually discuss it yet. It was really nice to discuss it with my sister and get some insight.

At 29 October 2015 at 07:19 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

Thank you. My sister has been reading all the comments (hi!) and is pretty overwhelmed by how positive everyone's being. I think people are becoming a bit better at considering ASD in children but - like you say - it's still overlooked in adults. Hopefully, that's also changing.

At 29 October 2015 at 07:21 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

Thanks. Having spoken to someone about ASD the other day I became aware not everyone even realises it's something you have for life. I just really liked the idea of getting that perspective from someone able to voice their experience (as much for me and helping my understanding of Tyger as anything else).

At 31 October 2015 at 18:04 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. Please pass on this message to your sister - that her honesty and willingness to share her story will go a long way in helping other families. It really touched me and I was tearing up. #abitofeverything

At 2 November 2015 at 16:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a wonderful post! It takes a brave young lady to speak so openly like that. She sounds remarkable!!

At 2 November 2015 at 23:23 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I suggested she start a blog and she said she wouldn't know what to write and if she could think of something she'd probably be obsessive about it for a couple of months but then forget about it completely. She is thrilled by the responses to this post, though.

At 2 November 2015 at 23:24 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I passed it on this morning. I don't think she was expecting anything like all these positive responses when she agreed to do the interview but it's been a massively positive experience for her.

At 2 November 2015 at 23:24 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

She really is. I'm so proud of her.

At 22 November 2015 at 12:33 , Blogger Ann Hickman said...

It was pretty easy for us to identify it in our second son. Now keeping our eye on our 2 yr old daughter! #Spectrum Sunday

At 27 November 2015 at 12:38 , Blogger Unknown said...

Another beautiful post, and so insightful! For a mum that experiences meltdowns on a regular basis this is very interesting to read. Thank you to your amazing sister! So brave! Thank you for linking up to #spectrumsunday I cant wait to see if you have something lined up for this week :) xx

At 29 November 2015 at 23:43 , Blogger Lady Nym said...

I'll need to let her know there are more comments on here from when she last checked. She was quite overwhelmed by the positive reaction from everyone.


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